It's like they're not even trying to solve the problem. There are more vacant houses than there are homeless people. Iirc, it's 28 to 1.

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I think there are a lot of people running around in circles. I’d actually support revamping LAHSA versus creating a new agency to be more like LACAHSA as far as representation. Ruth and I are doing as much as we can to shine the light of journalism and work behind the scenes to create more and better dialogue about solutions. I think I can share that Ryan Johnson read this and is aware of our management concerns. More on this to come!

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I think you're right. It's definitely coming across that way. That does seem like the practical thing to do. Keep up the great work! Yay🥳 Looking forward to reading about it. Thank you!

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Thank you for your reporting here. You've unfolded the peacock's tail that comes shaking out when homelessness in LA County comes up.

As a homeless person I find your analysis and presentation extremely depressing.

I hear the same BS that has echoed for decades, and here we have another layer -- ĹACHASA -- albeit tangential in some ways, that simply IMO will get not a damn thing done.

Because I don't believe anybody honestly wants to get anything done. The LAT reported today that Karen Bass wants to seek some kind of rapprochement with incoming Trump concerning us on the street.

Why not?, they're basically the same.

What I take away from your writing is very simple, & always has been:

if I and others I love and watch over on the street want to survive, it will have to be by our own wits.

In a word, RESIST.

And somehow find shelter.

Our leaders won't, and we may die in the process of doing so, but all I see in what you've written about,

is another fantasy unicorn thrown up to distract from the reality which is about to come.

Together with the mass deportation threat, I can't imagine how those who are teetering on the edge of where I'm at, will be helped by LACHASA either.

Your numbers and the directions you've pointed things toward I believe are accurate.

Our leadership has no balls.

Just an enormous amount of talk that substitutes for any real action,

except eliminating us from the picture.

I put no faith in it.

And no contribution by anyone dubbed by that I-want-to-vomit dismissive phrase -- "lived experience" -- matters in the least.

I cannot deal with anything other than reality.

That at least gives me and others some hope of staying alive, and a future.

All the rest is of the highest order of deluding bullshit.

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